The garden was fruitful in its season. Then, toward the end of the season, due to lack of cultivation and the summer heat, weeds and grass had taken over and it was rendered useless for producing good fruit. To be fruitful again, the dead weeds and grass must be burned off and the hard ground broken up. With that, a new, fresh start with a new season of fruitfulness is now possible. Now, good seed can be sown in the new season, and the new crop can be cultivated and matured, and all can enjoy the abundance of fresh fruit from the new garden.
Your life can be like a garden. There is a season of fruitfulness, then due to lack of spiritual cultivation and the summer heat of the circumstances and “busy-ness” of life, weeds, grass, and briars of negative, unholy, thoughts, words, and actions take root and grow. They literally “grow and spread like weeds.” You might think, “It is all over, it is useless, I can’t get the victory over the trap I’ve gotten myself into. This is just the way it is.” So you just lie there, covered over by the grass, weeds, and briars of life, with no hope of real change.
Look up! Let the fire of the Holy Ghost burn on the garden of your life and rid you of the entanglements which you have allowed and pursued. Let the word of truth plow deep into your soil and root up and turn under the debris, and break up your sin-hardened heart so new seed can be planted. See yourself changing, preparing for your new season! Begin planting the word of the Living God in your garden for a new, fruitful crop that can be harvested and enjoyed by you and by all. The blood of Jesus does not just cover sin, it removes all sin at the very root, and the Holy Spirit guides and gives wisdom and truth to set you free and empower you from deep within. Take the blood and Spirit and know you are righteous with God, leaving the old season and beginning a new! Let Jesus, the Master Gardener, apply his skills and power to your life, so you can fully realize the pleasure of living in his continual presence. With no condemnation, He convinces you of truth setting you free to enjoy his presence in the garden with full joy and abundant life! A new season! A new day! A new way! Enjoy walking with Jesus!
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