God is love. God is good. God’s will is good. We want God’s will for our life. Paul wrote to the Colossian church and told them how Epaphras was “always” “laboring fervently” for them in prayers, so they would stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Paul also said that he himself was “always” praying for them. And Paul instructed the Ephesian church to “always” be praying in the Spirit in conjunction with the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit, for all believers, and to pray for him that he would open his mouth “boldly” to make known the gospel, that he might speak boldly as he “ought to speak” (Colossians 4:12; 1:3; Ephesians 6:17-20).
Always praying in the Spirit, always speaking the Word into lives and into life’s situations, always praying that the gospel be spoken with boldness and with healings and with signs and wonders – this is the first step to bringing about the perfect will of God for our lives and for societies across the face of the earth. This is how Jesus, Paul, and the early church operated, and this is how we are to pray and operate today.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power on earth to change hearts, lives, and societies. The Word is not given as a piece of archaic literature just to be examined and debated. The power of the Holy Spirit is not given for just an ecstatic church house experience. The Word and the Spirit are given to move spiritual mountains! The Word is a cutting force against ignorance, deception, and bondage in the spiritual realm. The Spirit is God’s life and power operating on earth. These are given to be used together for always praying in the Spirit and to always be calling forth bold speaking of the gospel with the miracle working power of the name of Jesus (Acts 4:29, 30). This is what will change individuals, villages, cities, and societies. Jesus demonstrated this to be God’s will for the earth. Jesus is the Head, believers are the Body. We are all connected in the same purpose through faith to carry out the will of God in the earth. Always praying in the Spirit and straightforward, simple preaching of the gospel will show God’s love, God’s goodness, and God’s will for our lives. 3-13-15
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