A beautiful arrangement of flowers can be admired and enjoyed by all. We can visually “drink in” the goodness that exudes from such a gift. As we drink deeply of such nectar for the eyes, there is a calming effect. Such beauty is good for the soul.
God’s love is much the same way. The Bible says the love of God is “shed abroad” in our heart, in our inner being, by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). That love is pure and non-condemning, yet it maintains absolute righteousness. It becomes all things to all men so that all can be saved, yet, it never compromises the truth. It will envelop all races, religions, and lifestyles, in order to embrace the person, so that person can come to know the source of pure love, Jesus Christ. This is what Jesus did, and in following him that is what we do through the love of God that comes into our life through faith in the finished work of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. As we focus on Jesus and allow him to fill us with his Spirit as a lifestyle, the expression of God’s love will grow in us. It is the love of God in us that ministers ultimate peace to our own heart and life and to the lives of those around us. God’s love, expressed as compassion, carries healing power. “Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14). As we are filled with and express his love, the healing waters will flow that quenches ones deepest thirst and washes away bondage.
The love of God in a person is like that beautiful arrangement of flowers that soothes the soul. That person exudes calm. The beauty of this love never dies. It is an eternally held treasure that can be shared with all, yet never be depleted. People who carry this love are an influence for ever-increasing good, for through this love our failures of the past become our stepping stones to future success. Faith in God is encouraged and love and faith together is the unstoppable force to do the impossible. After the flowers have wilted and faded, the bouquet of love lives forever, enriching our lives, to be shared with all –remembering my late wife Becky, whose love lives forever with us all. 1-30-15
flowers from maryandmarthasflorist.com
Arkadelphia, AR
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