Standing at the back glass doors, looking out at the back yard with coffee in hand, I make an observation. The blooming season for the flowers is about over. There is one flower pot catching my attention. While I was out watering all the others trying my best to insure their survival and flourishing, this one received little care. In fact it was covered over by a cypress vine. Now, the vine is declining and this impatiens is showing out, a beautiful deep red. I see the principle of survival, health, and abundant life operating. I think of the lilies the rabbits stripped – still alive, set to come back next year in all their glory. I see the principle of restoration operating. God has set life and healing and health in motion in the earth. As soon as your body gets a cut on it, instantly it starts the healing process. God has designed survival, healing, health, flourishing, propagation, and restoration into his creation. Jesus came along in the fullness of the Spirit of God in harmony with the heart and working of Father God and accelerated that principle. By the supernatural power of God, he distributed spiritual and physical healing freely to those who would believe, and, he taught his followers to do the same. Why did he do this? Because it is the heart and desire of the Father to heal and restore and bring abundance into all lives – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2). Jesus came preaching and demonstrating the kingdom of God is here and now within our grasp. He said we are to be changing our mind about the way things are seen and experienced and believe the good news that God is here to set us free (Mark 1:14-17; Luke 4:14, 18, 19). It is God’s will to set us free in every way. Will we believe and bow to God’s Word in the face of life and its challenges and impossibilities? Three Hebrew children were bound, tied up, and facing being thrown into a fiery furnace to be executed for not bowing to the evil king. They made a resolve: We might burn, but we will not bow. The principle of life was operating by the Spirit of God. They threw them bound into the fiery furnace, but because they were bowing only to God’s Word, God brought them out (Daniel 3). What are we bowing to in our life? That’s why Jesus said to be “repenting”, to be “changing your mind”. Whatever we see ourselves to be bowing to other than the Word of God, we can choose to change our way of thinking. We can come into agreement with the way God thinks and have our bondages burned off in the very fire that was meant for our destruction. All creation preaches to us: God is here to heal and deliver. Believe His Word!