Church House Religion

I recently was in a hardware store buying some paint. Someone came through with a very large battery on a cart. We were wondering what such a large battery went to, and one of the workers in the store said, “That’s a big (expletive) battery!” In a moment, in conversation about why I needed some red paint, in painting something for a church, it was stated by that same worker that red was painted over the tops of doors in the Bible. I asked her if she knew what that meant. Another worker volunteered the information how that was done when the children of Israel came out of Egypt. I then shared how Jesus shed his blood to take our sins away. I was then informed by her that she had a church, a certain named church just down the street, and she had an appointment. She left the store before I could explain any further.  I would really like to be able to talk to her further.

Just having a church house knowledge of God and Jesus that does not change habits and the way we think and speak, is not a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. When a person genuinely encounters the Lord with true repentance and faith, there is an inward change. Granted, it sometimes takes a while to change things in our lives, and that is what the Holy Spirit and conviction of sin and repentance is all about. In our walk with the Lord, our conversion is just the beginning of a life of repentance, faith, commitment, being filled with the Spirit, and learning to be led by the Holy Spirit. It is that sacrificial blood of Jesus that is our cleansing from sin and our right-standing with God. That blood that he gave for us buys us out of the slave market of sin and sets us in his kingdom of love light, life, and liberty.

Leading a lifestyle of willful sin tramples on his blood that he gave for us. Living in our old ways despises and disregards his sacrifice made in love for us and spoils our witness of Jesus. As we realize this, repentance is in order with confession of sins and seeking his face for infilling and renewal by the Holy Spirit of God. Being cleansed lifts a load off our mind and conscience. God has only good things for us. He has made full provision for these good things through his Son, Jesus Christ. These are things like forgiveness, love, joy, peace, goodness, healing, and power and liberty through his Holy Spirit upon our lives. All this, and then, there is assurance of eternal life when we face death. Jesus said many would say “Lord, Lord” but would not be allowed to enter heaven. Why? Because they were not right with God. Faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for us, and the commitment of our life to him in faith and obedience, is the only way to be right with God.
