A parent disciplines a disobedient, wayward child. It is done in a spirit of love, not in a spirit of condemnation. It can be stern, according to the set “rules of the house”, but it is in love, not with condemnation. The goal is to bring about repentance and obedience for that child’s good, and for the good of all. Condoning one child’s disobedience will lead the other children to believe it is okay to disobey.
We are all a work in progress. We all have to deal with lusts, pride, fear, inferiority, hurts, disappointments, and on the list goes. Being a work in progress means we deal with these things by repenting and believing on the Lord in order to overcome these kinds of things and do what is right. This is because in the Lord, we have a mind for the glory of the Lord in our given situation and position.
Being a work in progress is different from being in defiance to what is good and right. When we are children of the light, we are to turn from the works of darkness. We know what the difference is between light and darkness, and we can choose light or darkness. Willful sin and disobedience leads into further darkness. For our own, and for the good of all, it should not be allowed. Hebrews 10:26-31
If we are a manager in a company, in a position of responsibility, we are a representative of the company. If we do things that are against company policy, we will be instructed to turn from doing those things by our immediate supervisor. If we continue to do things against company policy, knowing these things work against the operation of the company, we might be confronted by a group of company representatives. If we still persist in doing those things that are against company policy that is harming the image and operation of the company, we will be formally and legally discharged from our position of responsibility.
If you are in the church in a position of responsibility or in a leadership position, and go beyond just being “a work in progress”, and you publically and defiantly do those things that are harmful to the local church and the church worldwide (via electronic media), then you are subject to be instructed in all meekness to turn from your activities by the overseer of that church. If you turn to the way of the Lord, you will be forgiven and supported to overcome whatever you are dealing with.
If you choose to persist in your public detrimental activities, because your activities reflects on the whole church, then a delegation of the local assembly can come to you to instruct you and ask you to turn from your activities, again, with all meekness. If you turn to the way of the Lord, you will be forgiven and supported to overcome whatever you are dealing with.
If you still choose to persist in your public detrimental activities, of which you are free to choose to do with no condemnation from the church, then you can go ahead and do your thing, but you will be relieved of any position of responsibility or leadership position in that body of believers. Because it was a public defiance, it needs to be publically published that you no longer will hold your position of responsibility or leadership position in that body.
There is no condemnation. This is not to embarrass you. You are still loved. You can still come to sit under the Word and receive ministry, but by your own choice you have relinquished any position of responsibility or leadership position until further notice. This is done for the good of all. Key in these dealings is with all meekness.
The basis of this action is from Matthew 18:15-22. Forgiveness is extended to you with no condemnation from the church, but you won’t be entrusted in a position of responsibility or leadership position until there is a time of public repentance and a time of proving that you are turned from the error of your way.
The Corinthians were instructed that a little leaven leavens the whole lump and that the leaven should be purged out, even to the point of delivering one unto satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit be saved in the day of the Lord. Paul was jealous over the Corinthian church to present her as a chaste virgin to the Lord. His concern above all was that the church be pure. Flagrant sin had to be dealt with publically with all “humility of mind”. 1 Corinthians 5:4-13; Acts 20:19-21
The spiritual ones of a church are to seek to restore the one who is overtaken in a fault, considering themselves lest they also be tempted. Galations 6:1-5
Works of darkness are to be reproved, not allowed to persist. Ephesians 5:3-14
Those who “oppose themselves” (“to set oneself opposite, that is be disputatious”) are to be instructed with meekness if perhaps God will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. 2 Timothy 2:24-26
The body of Christ can be corrupted by allowing evil to go un-reproved. Jude 5-13
The Lord said the children of Jezebel, which is the teaching that it is okay to be in bed with the world and still say you love God, will be killed with death. It is a serious thing to sin willfully. Ananias and Sapphira refused repentance and died. There is a spiritual death and a physical death that can operate with disobedience and refusing to repent. Revelation 2:20-23; Acts 5:1-11; Hebrews 10:26-31
Public defiance requires public discipline for the church to remain clear before God and man. Again, there is a difference between being a work in progress and being in public defiance to what is good and right. A face book posting and living with open disregard for what is right is public defiance.
If there is a face book posting showing corruption and disregard for the integrity of the church, then there needs to be a face book posting showing that the person is relieved of responsibility in the church. If that person’s picture or name is on the website, showing they are in a position of responsibility or leadership, it needs to be removed. This is to preserve the integrity of the church before God and man.
We all are to shun all appearance of evil. What we do reflects on the Lord himself before the on-looking world. We want to do our best to not make a mockery of the church and the way of the Lord. We must hold ourselves accountable to God’s standard and God’s way.
Do we all fail? Most certainly, but when we realize we have failed we are to repent and get it right with God and get it right with our fellow man. If we refuse, then discipline is in order. If we are not disciplined, “whereof all are partakers” then we become “bastards”, illegitimate children (Hebrews 12:8). Discipline was administered to the Israelites, discipline was administered in the early church, and discipline is to be administered today among us all with all humility, compassion, and heartfelt intercession for the erring child.