Feet, Hands, Heart, and Mouth

The Corinthians did not really know who they were in Christ. As a result, a lot of “flesh” was being manifested instead of “Holy Spirit”, and what Spirit was being manifested had fleshly ways mixed in with it. Paul wrote to establish exactly who they were in Christ so they could grow past babyhood on into mature believers who were effectively operating in God’s power. He clearly stated his goal for them was their “perfection” or being “complete” or “fully mature” in Christ (2 Corinthians 13:9, 11).

By word and example, Paul told them they were no longer to live for themselves but unto him who died for them and rose again. A person “in Christ” is a new creation, old things have passed away and all things have become new with God at the helm of your life. Every person in Christ has the “word of reconciliation” “committed” or “put into them” by God himself in order bless people and win the world to Jesus. Paul explained that we are all “workers together with him” and that we are not to do things that will hinder the ministry, but do those things that will help carry out the ministry of bringing people to Jesus and to full maturity in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14-21; 6:1-10).

By word and example, Paul taught we are all “ambassadors for Christ” (5:20). An ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank sent by a government to represent it on a temporary mission. While we are here on earth, we are given the mission, the word, the Spirit, angelic assistance, and every resource we need to present Jesus to the world so that people can be united with God. Through the gospel, you can speak forgiveness, healing, and the Spirit and presence of God into the lives of the people you contact. Christ the Head, is one with you, the Body. These are not two separate entities. Through the name of Jesus you carry his authority, his word, his healing power, and his Spirit to give to people. As an ambassador in Christ’s stead, you are authorized to freely impart forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and the joy and presence of the Lord through the fullness of the Holy Spirit into people’s lives. You are

God’s feet,feet walking





God’s hands,hands reaching

God’s heart,  heart love


and God’s mouth. mouth smilingJesus said he came to give us abundant life. That means we are to enjoy life to the fullest, to just have fun. That’s how the light of Jesus can shine through his body. We all need to understand who we are in Christ, grow up, and carry out the spiritual work to which we are called.


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