From the Hen House to the Heavenlies

“You can sit in a hen house for twenty years, but that won’t make you a chicken.” This is a statement my wife often uses as she shares the truths of God’s Word with others. It illustrates the fact that we can know about the Lord and even be engaged in His service, but still have no personal relationship with Him. As a twelve-year old kid I walked the church isle, said yes to all the questions, was pronounced “saved” and was baptized in water. I was a good kid and I went to church. When about fourteen, one night in the privacy of my bedroom as I said my nightly prayers, I started realizing that I had no real connection with God. I argued within myself saying that I had been saved and baptized, and that I was a good kid, so I did have a connection with God. Soon it was so heavy on me that I was sobbing into my pillow so as not to wake my parents in the next bedroom. I was troubled and had no peace. I knew if I was not connected with God I was lost and headed for hell. In a short time of despair, I received a realization that Jesus Christ suffered and died for me on the cross, and that is what makes me right with God. He is my connection with God. I got peace in my heart and quit crying. In that same space of time Ezekiel 47 came before my mind as the river of water of life. I saw in my mind that a person could stand ankle deep, knee deep, waist deep or it was river that could not be passed over. My prayer was “Lord, let me dive in and swim on your grace.” That was the total commitment of my life to the Lord. From that point on I had an insatiable hunger for the Word of God. I read it “night and day.” Also, I wanted to tell people about this wonderful Jesus. That was sixty years ago. I still love the Word and I still love to tell people about Jesus. The times I have strayed from walking with Him, He has been faithful to bring me back to Himself. I love Him and I will continue to walk with Him all the days of my life. Just sitting in the hen house did not change me, but a real encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, and seeing what He did for me on the cross did change me forever. As I walked in obedience to Him, He filled me with His Spirit just like they were filled with the Spirit in the Bible in the book of Acts. With that I gained the realization that Jesus was resurrected with supernatural power. That power is available to every believer for victorious living.  By the power of God, we can come out of the hen house and fly like an eagle.
