I have been involved in prison ministry in Arkansas since 2017. When I lived in Oklahoma for two years I was involved in prison ministry, going to the maximum security unit at McAlester, OK. We recently attended a fund raiser dinner for the construction of a seminary in the Varner prison unit. We learned some interesting things. We learned that someone donated the approximately 5,000 square foot concrete foundation and slab for the building. This is on ground in the prison that has been leased to the enterprise. Someone donated the metal building with insulation. Someone contacted the office of the project overseer and asked how much money was needed. The man was caught a little off guard without any exact figures, and just gave him a number. In a few days a check came for $150,000. Perhaps he could have said $250,000 just to make sure to have enough, I don’t know. But the point is that various people have been stirred up to support the cause without a lot of active solicitation for funds. Obviously, more money is needed or there would not have been a dinner with the members of the prison board, congressmen, the warden, and others present who are involved in the project. One man gave his personal testimony of how the Lord has worked in his life. He had graduated from the Bible school that already exists in the prison. I know firsthand that lives are being touched in the prison system, and that there are some men in prison who are a whole lot more liberated than a lot of people outside the prison. It was exciting to hear the vision of the project. They will take men who are in for life who have given their life to the Lord, and train them in the ministry so they can be the ministers to reach fellow prisoners. They understand the prison culture. They know the ropes. They know the language. Training them is a good investment. They are not going anywhere. They are in for life. In prison, particularly in a maximum security unit, if you are going to confess Jesus Christ as Lord, you better really mean it. You will be tested in your faith. So this program and these men that will be trained, is a long-range outreach to the men in prison. The men behind the effort will tell you, they are just doing what was on their heart to do. This is how God works. He puts it on people’s hearts and as we respond in love and obedience to God, we become his hands, his feet, his voice, and a vessel through which he can reach out with power and touch the world. It works that way in a prison, it works that way on the mission field and in the church, and it works that way in everyday life. You can know, if God is so providing for the prisoners in prison, he will provide for you.