“My future plan for you is total deliverance in every way. I will perform that which is spoken in My Word concerning you. My plan is to give you peace and not unrest. Your expectation for what I will do for you, can be according to what is written in My Word. As you call upon Me, and pray according to My Word, I will hear. As you seek Me with your whole heart, then you will know My presence in your life and you will see the performance of My Word. As you live in My presence through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, you will experience deliverance and freedom, and you will be an instrument through which I can bring deliverance to others. (My paraphrase of Jeremiah 29:11-14).
God wrote out his goals and the plans by which to attain those goals. Goals and plans written down on paper is a step to carrying out those plans and accomplishing those goals. How God does it is a good example for us to follow. We have the New Year before us. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Many are wished a Happy and Prosperous New Year. That is right in line with what God desires and plans for us, and he went right on and let us know how that will be accomplished. It is by our faith in his Word and coming into and living in his presence that we experience the fullness of what he has for us through the finished work of Jesus Christ. As we embrace the promises of total cleansing through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, and receiving the fullness of the Spirit for our daily help, we will grow and know God in an ever-increasing experience of deliverance and freedom. That is his plan for us. As we do our part in God’s scheme of things, we will receive that which he has for us. To the degree we avail ourselves to his Word and his presence, is the degree we experience what he has for us.
The good news is that through the Holy Spirit, we have a go-with-us-every-day gospel, and as we pay attention to his Word and promptings, we are led in the way he would have us to go. There is no better way to enter into a New Year other than walking with God. As you desire that, decide to avail yourself to that, and do that, then it will be done. May you all have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
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