I was taking my morning walk, praying about the day and issues that were before us, and this thought came to my mind – circulation. That’s one reason why I like to walk at least a mile a day and preferably two. It is to keep this body moving to keep the circulation going. Circulation is essential to life. Poor circulation creates problems. This not only applies to our body. It applies to society. If the roadways, railways, and airways carrying supplies are hindered or blocked, somebody has to go without. Prolonged blockage can bring about big problems. For supply to happen in the realm of information, there must be channels open for circulation of information. A healthy body, a healthy society, and a healthy transference of information require pathways open for that transference to take place. Just as this applies in these areas, this also applies in the spiritual realm, in the realm of the kingdom of God. In the early church messengers and letters were sent to transfer goods, services, and information. That circulation was good then, and it is good today. Plus, today, we have electronic media to speed the process up, even on a world-wide scale. Just as a blockage is harmful to a human body, so is a blockage harmful to the Body of Christ, the body of believers who follow Jesus Christ. The way things are structured today, certain ways of believing and certain experiences in the Lord are generally kept in one’s own group or denomination. The Lord originally set it up for the goodness and grace and power and teaching that he revealed to one, was to be distributed among them all. We see forgiveness, fullness of the Spirit, healing, and discipleship to reach the world with the gospel, being circulated and transferred to all the churches. This was their SOP, their Standard Operating Procedure, in the war to win the world to Jesus. Now days, we have theological and denominational schools that teach against such a free circulation of God’s grace and power. The result is that the Body of Christ suffers. Blockages that cut the circulation off, cuts off the oxygen of the Spirit and the nutrients of the revealed Word of God. Is there some junk food in the food chain? You better believe it, that there is lots of junk food floating around. But taking the Word at face value, to obey the plain, unfettered Word of God, will give discernment on what is stale bread, sugared up junk food, and what is solid meat and potatoes and healthy manna from heaven. Every pastor and every believer has a personal choice to make – Will I allow free circulation of the Word and power of God in my church and in my life? No decision is a decision against allowing good circulation. The good news is that what Jesus has paid for to provide for all, is available to all to eat and drink. The choice is ours to make.