Look At the Word, Not the Clouds

In the process of building a shop, I reached the point of getting the shingles on. I had the top covered with plastic in an attempt to keep the roof and all the materials below in the dry. On this particular day there was predicted rain, and all my attempts to get some help failed. I decided to just go ahead and do it myself and if I didn’t get all the shingles on I would just keep using the plastic and finish it up when I could. This was the final slope of shingles to install, so I rolled the plastic up to the top and proceeded to nail on shingles. I really wanted to get it over with so I would not have to be messing with the plastic any longer. There were threatening clouds and a steady breeze. About half way through the installation I thought I felt some stray misty rain drops, but I kept pressing on. Then I ran out of tacks. About that time my wife, Barb, drove up from where she had been, and she drove me to the store to get more tacks. Now with new ammo and a little break, I was ready to run to the finish line and get this job over with. There were a few more stray drops here and there, this time a little larger. I reminded my heavenly Father of our earlier conversation in which I expressed to him that I would really like to get this roof done and over with. My speed increased slightly. It was when the final nail was driven and I began cleaning the roof area that the rain started. I was thankful it was done and that I did not have to mess with the plastic any more.

The Word says in Ecclesiastes 11:4 “He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap”. Most of the time, for us to get things done, we have to press through obstacles and threats. That’s just life. That’s why Jesus came – to save us in life and for eternity. That’s why he sent the helper, the Holy Spirit, so that we could have “Immanuel” – “God with us” in every way throughout every day. Not only will Jesus, through his Word and Spirit, help us through the obstacles and threats of daily life through our trust in him, but he will also do mighty signs and wonders and healings and miracles through that same trust. So even though the winds might blow and the clouds hang low in your life today, keep your trust in him. With God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27). Get you a Word to stand on and look at that, and not at the threats and clouds and stuff going on around it. In this way, keep on driving and keep your trust in him.
