Love, Life, and Liberty

russian village

In Russia, as we would go out into the villages with interpreters to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people and pray for the sick, we received a common frequent response. After we told of how Jesus came to set us free from the oppression of sin and how he desires for us to be healed of our sickness and disease and how God desires for every person to be in health and prosper in every way (3 John 2), they would say, “Yes, of course, we want this Jesus. Why would we not want him?” I remember one small village in particular. It seemed to me most of the village must have turned out for the meeting that night. The town hall was jamb packed. When the time came for a public response to accept Jesus, most of them responded. I remember one older gentleman in particular. By his age, you knew he had seen the rise and fall of communism all around him. There he was, tears streaming down his face, the expression of his face indicating, “This is peace. This is love. This is what I have been looking for many years. Why have I not heard this before!”

The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news. It is not religious rules and laws and empty religious rituals. The gospel, in the power of the Holy Spirit, will liberate you to love all people enough to give them the unadulterated truth which has the power to set them free. God is the God of love and liberty. As we are filled with and learn to walk in his Spirit, life takes on a whole new dimension. There is a life of true inward joy and peace and stability in the face of adversity. There are about 2400 promises in the Word of God offering abundant life in every way. God is still a compassionate miracle working provider and healer today. He has made full provision to help us in every way through the perfect work of Jesus Christ. We lay hold on those provisions through persistent faith, allowing him to change us in the process. So the question is, “Why would we not want this Jesus?” Any idea, excuse, or experience of any kind keeping us from walking with this Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit needs to be identified and laid aside so the abundance of love, life and liberty can begin flowing into our soul.


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