When growing up at Poyen, basketball was the one sport we had. One common denominator that was shared by the coaches I had was that we go over and over the basics to master the basics. When we were good with the basics, we could be good with the game. Those who mastered the basics were the ones who won more games. With the basics trained into us, we were prepared to focus on the game itself to get the job done to win the game.
We find some basics in the lives of the early New Testament disciples. First, they were genuinely born again with a life commitment to the Lord. They were immersed in water and were baptized (immersed) in the Holy Spirit with supernatural manifestations in operation – not just talked about. Supernatural healing was the rule, not the exception. As when the 5 million or so Israelites came out of Egypt with not one feeble person among them (Psalms 105:37), so was the experience of the early believers so that several times all the people were healed or all saved (Matthew 8:16, 17; 12:15; Acts 5:16; 16:15, 34). The gospel was freely and boldly shared by the people far and wide with supernatural power and signs (book of Acts). The people, not just the apostles, actively reached out to others, sharing, baptizing, and helping others get established in faith. Communion was a life experience of understanding (discerning) why Jesus came and sacrificed his life. They understood that Jesus spilled his blood in payment for our sins so we could live righteous before God. They understood that his body was torn and beaten so we could be healed of our sicknesses and diseases. Their daily meals were a reminder of the Lord’s work so that work was appropriated daily. They stayed in preparation for the Lord’s soon return, clearing all relationships by forgiveness and walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit. That obedience included reaching out to others with the good news of Jesus and seeking to build others up in the faith to prepare them for his soon return, and, to train them to go and do the same. Spirit infused personal and corporate prayer was a way of life for Jesus and the early church.
As these basics were performed over and over by the believers, the kingdom of God was advanced and grew exponentially. If we, God’s team today, would just drill over the basics and get proficient in the basics, then the world could see Jesus walking around in his body on earth today just as he walked in yesteryear. Basic Christianity is following Jesus, the Word of God. This is God’s answer for the world today. This is what people are dying to see. As we each focus on experiencing the operation of the basics in our daily lives, we will be changed for the better and the world will be changed for the better. Let’s master the basics to win the game!