Muddy Boots Clean

The atmosphere is cleansed by rain and sunshine. We wash our bodies with soap and water. Animals clean themselves by licking and rubbing. Cities are cleaned by garbage collectors and other hired employees. A business will “clean” itself by the policy of firing unproductive employees. Cleansing and renewal is a principle that is needed and operates in just about every area of life, making things more pleasant and productive. When it does not operate, trouble is brewing.

This principle also operates in our spiritual life. Even after our best efforts, we often find ourselves making bad choices, defiling ourselves with impure motives, attitudes, and actions, and clogging our conscience with guilt by doing those things that we know we should not do. In many ways we get mud on our boots as we walk through the barnyard of life, and it does not take long for others to pick up on our need of cleansing.

muddy boots barnyard (300x168)

Everything else in the world has a way to be cleansed, is there a way for a dirty, defiled human mind and spirit to be cleansed and start fresh each day?

The good news is a resounding “Yes!” God made provision through his uniquely begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to do a supernatural cleansing work in those who believe on him. Jesus never sinned, yet he became sin for our sakes, so that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (2 Corinthians 5: 21). He gave himself as a voluntary blood sacrifice before God, dying on the cross, so that we might exchange our sin, mistakes, and defilement for his righteousness. When we believe on him in this way, we learn to be open to him with our bad stuff, and when we are open and honest with him, he promises to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He cleanses our conscience so even though we are guilty, we don’t have to bear that guilt (Hebrews 9: 14; 10:22). He heals us from the wound of guilt. Because of this, Jesus becomes precious to us. Without him and his cleansing, we would have no hope. With him, by believing on him in this way, we have a renewed joy in life, which is a much better fragrance than walking around with barnyard mud on our boots! 10-24-14


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