After playing my keyboard for a while, after obtaining it in January 2020, I realized I was struggling to clearly see the music sheets on the stand before me. The distance from where I was sitting to where the stand held the music on the keyboard was that fuzzy in-between distance for bespeckled seventy-year-old eyes. Even with trifocals, I found myself leaning over toward the music to see clearly. One day it occurred to me to build a box-like wooden stand that would fit right on top of the keyboard that would hold the book several inches closer. The distance allows me to sit back and relax more as I practice. However, with the lighting arrangement I have, the stand cast a shadow across the top of the keyboard so I could not see some of the controls. I got a little clicker flash light to help me see the controls, and I used that. It was troublesome and a little unhandy, but by using the little light, I could see the rest of the controls when I needed to see them. One day after playing, and sitting back relaxing, thinking about changing one of the settings, I was wishing I did not have to use the little light to see the controls. As I sat there, I received a revelation. It dawned on me that I could cut out about half the board on the back side, almost the full length of the stand. This would allow light to hit the top of the keyboard. The stand would still support the book because the book was mounted on the front part of the stand. There was plenty of light available right above me, but I was operating in an area of darkness. It was not until I stopped and received the revelation that all I had to do was open up an area of the boxy stand on the back side, and I would have plenty of light on the controls of the keyboard. With anticipation, I took that stand and cut five and a half inches out of the eleven-inch-wide board a few inches short of the full length. With excitement I brought the stand back in and put it back on the keyboard. Now I enjoy the greater light every day playing my keyboard. Jesus said deception would abound in these last days. It was a form of deception that made me think I had to have that shadow cast on the keyboard and use the flashlight. God has more for each of us. It is right there in his Word. But we often have that “more of God” boxed out of our life by the deception of “Well, this is just the way it is.” God has a way that is better. As we cut out the obstructions and open our life to him, we receive his better way. It is in Christ that we have forgiveness, healing, and the fullness and leadership of his Spirit.