Not Brushed Under the Rug

It’s good to have guests come and visit. With guests coming, we find motivation to clean house. We had our church Easter fellowship at our house on the Saturday before Easter, We had some young people there who played, found Easter eggs, had a great time, then showed up for church the next day to get the real message of Easter. Some people have a problem with believers participating in Easter, but let me say, Paul became all things to all men so that by all means some might be saved. In society, we are to put Jesus into all things of life so that all can be saved. In all this we had an avowed atheist mother dropping her girl off at the church fellowship at our house, then to church the next day. I will spare all the details, but we were rejoicing to have the little girl in Sunday school and in church to fellowship with the believers and again hear the message of Jesus. But anyway, with guests coming, it all takes preparation. That’s when we get the yard mowed and we clean and straighten up the house, getting ready for guests. On cleaning the house, sometimes people get in a hurry due to the busy-ness of life, and instead of taking the time and trouble to really do a good cleaning job, they choose to “sweep things under the rug”. It looks good in appearance, but the dirt is still there. You pull the rug back, and there it is. Sometimes we brush things under the rug with God. We don’t really deal with stuff, and it is still there. Sometimes we brush things under the rug in our relationship with others. Things will die down for a while, but when there is another confrontation between those people, the rug gets pulled back and the dirt gets exposed all over again.

Jesus came with a new covenant superior to the old, in which he gave his own blood to take sins away – to cleanse us from the consciousness of sin, and write his Word and his presence in our hearts so we become God conscious. Now, if we deal with matters on the basis of the blood, sin does not get “brushed under the rug”. It is taken to God, who has done the work through Jesus Christ, to remove the sin, forgetting it as far as the east is from the west, removing its power, so we can live free. We are free in his righteousness and his work and power. Relationships are cleared and can be healed. In this place there is true cleansing and healing in every way. This is the preparation that we make when The Guest is coming. The Guest is the presence of the Lord and the Lord himself. Every spot, every blemish, every wrinkled relationship ironed out – that is how he is working to present us to himself. The only true and lasting cleaning is by his blood.
