I got on my zero turn Toro riding mower to do some work, only to discover the left steering control did not move the mower. The right one worked fine. I figured something had come loose and was disconnected, so I proceeded to look for a star tip allen wrench which was needed to take the housing off, which wrench was nowhere to be found. I was resigning myself to go to the store and get a set of wrenches and try to figure the thing out. This was going to take some running around time with no guarantee that I would be able to fix it. As a last resort, I decided to get the manual out and read the troubleshooting section just to see if there could be a simple solution. I did, and yes, it was a very simple solution. With the manual in hand the whole process of discovery and getting it fixed took less than a minute. In the process of removing a tire to fix a flat, the left bypass valve had been locked open which in practice put the left control out of gear. Reading the manual and one quick adjustment and presto! Back in business! Like with the mower, there is an easy fix for our nation.
We must read God’s Manual, the Bible, and do what it says. The mower has got to work! The longer the grass and weeds goes as it is, the harder it will be to get it under control. The Republicans can try to figure it out and the Democrats can try to figure it out and still not get the job done. The savior is not Donald Trump and his V.P. nor is it Joe Biden and his V.P. The Savior is Jesus Christ and he has the needed solutions. I challenge all people, parties, and persuasions to pray according to the Word of God and vote for the platform that is closest to the way of the Word. Surely no one thinks their wisdom and counsel is greater than that of God himself. Whether you be Democrat, Republican, or whatever, let’s all agree in prayer standing on Psalms 33:10-12. Pray according to this Word: “The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the Lord standeth forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Let’s believe God will work in the midst of all things to bring his counsel to pass in our nation so that we are truly one nation under God through the name of Jesus. Let’s all stand on this Word together and see what transpires in November and beyond. If we will go to the Manual and make the needed adjustments according to the Manual, the mower will run and the lawn can be properly maintained.