“Be renewed in the spirit of your mind…put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (Ephesians 4: 23, 24).
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12: 2).
In God’s mind, there is more that is right with a believer than there is wrong. Through the work of Jesus Christ, God has put the righteousness of Christ to our account so that He sees us as righteous. After washing us in the blood of Jesus, He made us to be kings and priests in the spiritual realm to rule over spiritual forces and to help bear one another’s burdens (Revelation 1: 6) . In fact, God sees us as already conformed to the image of his Son and glorified! (Romans 8: 29, 30) Our consciousness of wrong does not come from God, since he is not in the condemning business (John 3: 17); it comes from our own conscience and knowledge of good and evil. That is why we need to renew our mind to what the gospel says, and rise up from living under constant condemnation and defeat.
The Bible says our old fleshly man was crucified with Christ, so we are to now consider ourselves to be dead indeed to sin and alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord to do the will of the Father. Grace is operating in us to make us victorious over sin (Romans 6: 6-14). That is our position in Christ. What we are to do is to hear and understand this good news and believe it and confess it, and so renew, or “line up”, our minds to this so the power of God that is in us can be released to bring about all that has been purposed through us! If the channel is clogged with sin consciousness, guilt, condemnation, a vision of all that is wrong, and a false humility, the power of God cannot flow. Humility is hearing and submitting to what the Word says, not only in the process of cleansing us from sin, but also in the position it places us as free from sin through the blood of Jesus (Romans 6: 22; Hebrews 9: 14).
Concerning sin: Get over it! Believe the Word and grow up into Him, and get with the program God has for you! Look at Jesus, look at the early church – it is victory even in adversity. 3-15-15
Image is borrowed from www.hiswordmymouth.com/renewyourmind.php
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