“What is that?” “It is shingles!” “Well, I don’t receive shingles! I speak to those hills of shingles on my backside in Jesus’ name. You must go, depart, in Jesus’ name! The word says ‘every mountain and hill shall be brought low’.” (Luke 3:5) “Jesus came to give us life more abundant, and shingles is not a part of abundant life, so I don’t receive shingles. Besides, my Father has given me a benefit package in Psalms 103:1-5, and part of that package is that he ‘healeth all thy diseases’, and, not only that, but that my ‘youth is renewed like the eagles’”. It is in such a manner that we should talk to our body and to everything in our life. The word should be our first response to anything and every situation. The word is to be the filter through which all things flow. When negative words are laid upon us, though they might be true, we should still respond with a word of solution instantly, not giving place to anything other than a solution (Isaiah 54:17). We are to speak the word out loud because it says in Proverbs 18:21 that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” What a wonderful truth to live by! It is truth that really sets us free. We don’t have to just sit around and have junk heaped upon us. We can rise up in the strength and righteousness of Jesus Christ and take dominion over life as it happens! Life is going to happen. Good things and bad things. How we handle it determines our destiny. Life is a two-sided coin. There is the all-knowing, all-powerful, sovereign God on one side, and on the other side is man who has been given the responsibility to govern all things in the earth. We either do it according to our own wisdom and ability, or we tap in to God’s infinite wisdom and ability through his word and his Spirit. When we do that, we tap in to God’s provisions that are already in place so that they manifest in our daily life. It is like a huge water balloon hanging above us filled with all good things for us. When by faith we reach up and touch God’s abundant provisions of forgiveness, physical healing and health, fullness of power in the Holy Spirit, financial prosperity, social favor in every way, and a future of eternal life, then the balloon ruptures with blessing pouring upon us. If we are too timid or ashamed or unbelieving to open our mouths and speak, then we go without. It did not say life and death are in the power of thinking about it. It said it is in the power of speaking it with your tongue. What you say, will be your pay. Speak the word over your life each day!