With the squirrels jumping up on the bird feeders, a lot of bird seed is eaten or spilled on the ground. With several squirrels working, you can run through a bag of bird seed very quickly. So, I set my mind to devise a way to keep them off, and, it worked successfully until one smart little bushy tail learned a way to get up to one of the feeders. I watched his technique which gave me the clue on what adjustments I need to make in my device to successfully keep even little smarty claws off the feeders. With a little tweeking in my device I will be able to stop the little thieves completely.
The Bible says the thief, the devil, has come to steal, kill, and to destroy, but that Jesus has come to give life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). We are told that the devil has devices, or techniques, which he employs in order to steal from us and destroy good things in our lives. Those good things include peace, health, harmony, joy, financial blessing, victory in every way, and, eternal life. As we observe and learn his techniques, we don’t have to fall for the traps he lays. We can overcome them and maintain a constant life of victory. We are also told in the Bible that we overcome the “accuser of the brethren” by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by not holding to our natural life (Revelation 12:11). Jesus has done the work to make complete provision for a complete life in every way. In him we have righteousness, healing, health, spiritual authority, and blessing in every way. It is like a bottle of an all sufficient elixir for our whole life. This wonderful tonic is there for us, but it must be applied, it must be consumed so it becomes a part of our very being. This life and provision of God is applied by our testimony, by the words we speak and by obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. By speaking the word of God in faith we can keep the thief from getting into the bird feeders of our life and stealing from us. By the finished work of Jesus and by the word of our testimony in harmony with God’s word, and by operating by the Holy Spirit instead of our natural life, we can take charge of our spirit, our soul, and our body for healing and health, for our financial well being, and for our eternal destiny. He gave us the keys life (Matthew 16:19). We either apply them to use them and set ourselves and others free, or, we leave them hanging on the wall and stay bound and destitute, just watching the squirrels empty our bird feeders.