The Best Investment for 2021

In 2003 I taught in a Bible school in Dattawadi, India. Over the years, there was loose contact with one of the students who was native to India. Toward the end of 2018 it was on our pastor’s heart for the church to support a missionary. Through communications with that student, we learned that through great sacrifice and perseverance he was pressing forward with an outreach gospel ministry in his region. We learned that he had been praying for over eight years for outside support so he could be full time ministry. In February of 2020, our church started praying for this man and his family and ministry, and sending monthly support. He is already in place in India, he is part of the language and culture, and he has a heart sold out to bringing the gospel to the nation of India. He is a foot-soldier for Jesus with boots on the ground, now able to work the ministry full time with no distractions. He sends monthly reports to us with pictures and commentary, showing how God is graciously using him to get Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit out to his part of the world. This past Christmas we were able to share in his reaching many widows, widowers, and orphans with much needed shawls, sweaters, and Christmas toys for the orphans. It has been a wonderful year of investing prayers and finances into a field that is making an abundant return. 100% of the funds go to the native missionary for his personal and ministry needs. We are happy to see how the hand of God has moved to allow us to be a part of this wonderful, fruitful ministry. When I was over there, I participated in and saw firsthand the hunger for the gospel and the reception the people have for God’s Word.

Jesus told us to lay up treasures in heaven where moth and rust does not corrupt, and where there are no thieves to steal (Matthew 6:19, 20). The world economy might collapse with no available return on investments. The kingdom of God will never collapse, and God-directed investments in the kingdom will always produce eternal returns. By seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, we receive things present life and the eternal things. Walking with God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is a win-win way of life in every realm. Jesus taught us that when all passes away before us, the things of this world lose their meaning. I would encourage every person to find a dedicated native missionary and help support them in getting the good news of Jesus out to the world. Our commission from God is to share Jesus with every person from the neighbor next door to the nations of the world. It is our privilege and responsibility to further the kingdom near and far. May 2021 be a year of prosperity for you and yours in every way, in Jesus’ name.
