Most people like pretty lights. My wife Barbara, and I both like lights, and she has done a wonderful job of decorating inside our house and in our yard with an array of beautiful Christmas lights. The best fifteen dollars I have ever spent was when we went to Garvan Woodland Gardens near Hot Springs to see the Christmas lights. I would highly recommend to anyone, a visit to the beautiful gardens with over 5 million lights. Even though the lines were long, we were able to keep moving ahead to see the lights. And for those who don’t want to walk, they have carts with drivers who can drive you on the paths to enjoy the spectacle.
Christmas is all about light. Jesus came as the Light of the world. He is referred to as the “dayspring” or “sunrising” from on high who came “to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1: 78,79). Gifts are given at Christmas reflecting the wonderful gift that was given to mankind of Jesus, the Light, so that we don’t have to remain in the darkness of sin and eternal separation from God. He is given to light our path with love, liberty, and eternal life. Darkness is dispelled when the Light shines in and out of our lives. What a beautiful display when the multi-colored Light shines on our path! (Revelation 4:3). Where we stumbled along in the past, with the Light, we now can see faults, failures, dangerous devices and traps, holes in the road, and unseen obstacles to a life of love and liberty. The key to life is to stay in the Light. It is good for the Light to expose us so we can go free, instead of just sitting there in the darkness and shadow of death existing in present loss and awaiting eternal doom. Light comes to us through Jesus because of his everlasting love for us, and because he desires to only give us good things. So Christmas is a time of love, light, life, and giving, all because of what Jesus has done for us. Because of Jesus there can be peace where there was turmoil, and there can be peace in the midst of turmoil. We can decorate our hearts and minds with the Light of Jesus, and enjoy our time together as a family filled with his life and love. Merry Christmas to all!
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