Students of Asbury University are hungry and thirsty for the presence of God. They linger in worship, just being before His presence, offering oneself to Him, yielding their lives to Him. He is there according to His promise. He works in their lives revealing sin, the selfishness of just living one’s own life with one’s own agenda. He reveals hurts and disappointments. He reveals unforgiveness, malice and hatred. Whatever is hindering the fellowship between Himself and His people, He shows it plainly. The students linger, receiving revelation of the sufferings of the Savior, how He died to remove sin and hindrances. They receive deep cleansing and release from burdens, receiving the peace and love of God. The Lord continues to reveal Himself according to His Word. Once there has been a cleansing, there now needs to be an infilling. God is there to graciously fill each vessel with his power to live victoriously and take this wonderful good news of Jesus to all people. As on the day of the first outpouring and subsequent outpourings as recorded in the Word, God is there to fill each vessel with supernatural power to praise, worship, pray, preach, and be led by the Spirit, to accomplish this same move of God wherever one goes. It is all according to the Word. You can read it for yourself (Book of Acts). God will move through anybody and in any place where three elements are present. 1. Jesus said those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled. Cleansing, healing, and empowerment by His Spirit, to be like Him, is righteousness in operation (not just the position of righteousness). 2. Believing the Word of God, so based on God’s Word, through the sufferings and accomplished work of Jesus Christ, cleansing, healing, and empowerment is actually taking place. 3. Yielding to the Spirit of God. It is all an operation of the Spirit of God. As one continues to yield their life to God, He will operate according to the pattern given in His Word. He will fill you with His Spirit and supernatural power to live and carry out His plan of reaching “every creature” with the good news of Jesus (Mark 16:14-20). The question is: Will your busy lifestyle cause you to stop short of continuing to yield to Him so He can complete His work? Will your religious training and beliefs cause you to stop short of continuing to yield to Him so He can fill you with supernatural power just like in the Book of Acts? If the answer is “Yes” to either question, that is where the move of God stops. God’s answer is “tarry…until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). This is the move of God that will continue. Water baptized, Spirit baptized, daily remembering the Lord’s suffering in communion, daily being led by the Holy Spirit – This is God’s Way for His move to continue. Follow the pattern. Continue to live in His presence.