The big baptism Sunday rolled around and at a little after 10 o’clock the pastor was opening up the service. We were all excited. Lots of visitors were there to see about 12 people get baptized in a portable hot tub set up on the church parking lot. Suddenly her son-in-law rushed across the stage from the back of the church and came up to her with phone in hand extended toward her. He said, “You need to take this call.” She looked at him questioningly, and he repeated, “You need to take this call.” She saw that he was serious and she took the phone and listened, then said, “The church is going to pray right now.” She handed him back the phone and announced to the church that her 6 month old grandbaby had just accidently fallen down a full flight of 14 steps. She said, “Church, let’s pray.” And the church did pray. The son-in-law quickly dispatched himself to go see about the situation. In the prayers of the church, authority was taken over the situation in the name of Jesus. The word of healing was dispatched, and declarations of restoration were fervently spoken, declaring only a good report. It was spoken that the weapons of the enemy could not prosper. After prayer, the worship service commenced with praise, worship, and admiration to God. It took everything in the pastor/pianist, who also is my wife, to keep herself from running out and going to see about her precious grandbaby. As we were continuing to praise God, the son-in-law returned and as he walked across the stage to take his place on the praise team, he gave pastor a big thumbs up, everything was OK. They had taken the baby to the ER at the hospital, and the doctor’s examination found no injury whatsoever. He said she might have a little bit of a black eye. The next day the baby was at our house, beautiful, perfect, and happy as could be.
Our God is an on-time God. He is worthy to be trusted with all our hearts. He said, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). That is good for every realm of life and in every situation. Those steps were hardwood steps with no carpet on them. The same God who delivered three young Hebrew men out of a fiery furnace (Daniel 3), is the same God who delivers us today. Through the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit and ministering angels, we can stand in faith and boldly take our kingdom authority and see the hand of God bring deliverance. We are believers, not beggars. We can trust his word and know that he will confirm his word with signs following.