There is no Blessing With a Broken Belt

I was looking forward to when I would get the time to run over the lawn with the riding mower to clean up the stragglers of grass and mulch the leaves that have begun to fall. Two hours availed themselves to me so I proceeded to mow the perimeter of the area so I could “get ‘er cleaned up”. After about three rounds it suddenly stopped cutting. A quick check showed that it was in cutting mode. Everything of the mower was operating fine; it was just not cutting any grass. It occurred to me that a belt must have broken, and my suspicion was confirmed when I got off the mower and found the broken belt lying on top of the mower deck. Mechanic work is not my forte, especially when I have lots of work to do that creates an income. So off to the shop it goes and when I get it back, I will get to smooth up the lawn like I want. A lawn mower can be powerful and running fine, but if there is no belt to convey that power to the blades, the grass fails to get cut.

The Bible says if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised him from the dead, we will be saved. For with the heart we believe unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9,10). In other words, with the heart we believe, which puts us into a position of power with God, but it is not until something comes out of our mouth that there is an actual release of that power. The finished work of Jesus, the Word of God, and Spirit of God is the power of God on our behalf. That’s good news, but for that power to be applied in our lives, it takes our words agreeing with the Word of God. A person said to me, after I shared the testimony of the healing of my back, that I could be a preacher. I said we all are preachers. We all preach something. We all make affirmations, Usually, very few of them are lined up with the Word of God. When we line up our heart faith and words with the Word of God, then we see the power of God manifested. We all preach something. We all must choose what we are going to preach. Speaking, confessing, and preaching the word of the Lord Jesus brings salvation, deliverance. The lawn mower can be running with all power, but if there is no belt to transfer the power to the blades to the grass, the lawn fails to be mowed. Our heart faith in the Word of God linked with the words of our mouth transfers the power from God to our daily lives. Open your mouth and speak/preach the Word. Get the belt on your lawn mower and get the grass mowed in your life!
