A smile, a chuckle or a laugh out loud is my usual response to my little furry dog friends Waylon and Willy when I walk out to the pen to let them out. When from the house I see them standing there wanting out, I will walk out there and open the gate to let them run around the place for a while. When they see me coming, those two little twelve-year old fur balls will go ballistic, jumping up on the fence, turning circles, growling at each other, grunting and squealing. They are so happy to see their “master” who they can have “communion” with in the freedom to run around the place and sniff out something new and exciting. The first place they usually head is the last place they saw the neighbor’s cat hanging out by the creek. Occasionally, if the cat is still on the property when they are released, a hot chase is ensued sending that dude quickly back across the creek. Willy in particular is so proud to walk with me. His little prancing gait with his head held high with a quick glance back to make sure I am right there with him is so cute. We’ve prayed them through a few health issues and sought to take care of them well, so they are both in apparent good health. The highlight of their day is to be with their master. They love the petting and attention, but they also just love my watchful oversight and presence while they go about their exploration of the place. Each day reveals new things—a good squirrel chase or a rabbit chase, sniffs of where a stray dog might have come through or whatever else might be interesting to them. But the bottom line of the delight is that they are in the presence of their master. Is not this the worthy goal for an upcoming new year—to start each day off in the presence of the Master, and go through each day with His love and provision right at hand? Is it not the one worthy goal to know you are under His watchful eye to guide you as you go through each day and to protect you from any impending danger? Yes! That is something to be excited about. What a privilege to have the King of kings and the Lord of lords to come to you each day to “let you out of the pen” to walk and run in the pleasures and responsibilities of daily life! It is by faith in the cleansing blood of Jesus that we have life, and by receiving the fullness of His Spirit we have release from the natural confines of life. By His abundant provisions, we can know Him and walk with Him and enjoy life, health and victory in every way. He comes to us to help us and take care of us. Let us start off each day of the year with Jesus.