Larry McDonald sold me chemicals for landscaping when I was landscaper at Ouachita Baptist University in 1999. David Golden involved me in the Team National Business. What I saw excited me about the potential income. One day when Larry came by to get a chemical order, I told him he ought to look in to this business, that it looks good. He graciously replied, “Yeah Jackie, I will look in to it sometime.” Two weeks later he came for a follow up and by then I had learned more and was more excited about the business. I said, “Larry, this business looks really good! You really ought to look in to it! I tell you what I’ll do, I’ll hook you up to somebody who can give you more information.” He agreed to get more information. I did a three-way call with him after he left, with Dennis Martin. Larry was heading back to Texarkana. The connection was terrible due to a thunderstorm. I think he had to pull over on the side of the road to do the call. He and Dennis made a connection, Larry and Debbie got into the business and went straight to the top. If you know Larry and Debbie, you know why. The shared income that came off their success and other team members of the business, enabled me to quit the landscaping job and fulfill a dream Becky and I shared. We went to Rhema Bible Training Center and trained for ministry. The next year after graduating, we went to India and taught in a Rhema Bible Training Center there. There were about 200 students. Fast forward. 2015 Becky goes home to be with the Lord. I remarry. Barbara and I pastor a small outreach church, Lighthouse Church, Benton, AR. It was in our heart to support a missionary. A connection was made to us via email, one of my students in India of 2003, Chris Surya. He had been doing ministry all that time and praying for full time support. We got hooked up with him and the Lighthouse Church sends him monthly support enough that is now enabling him for full time ministry. He maintains a wonderful ministry to orphans, widows, outreach on the street, leadership training, regional outreach, establishing the church, and more. Now, he is assisting persecuted Christians in India, calling for prayer and doing what he can to help.
God works in the midst of life, threading his love, his life, and his provision to bring about hope, help, and healing through faith and obedience to his Word. His grace has put the provisions in place through Jesus Christ. We take his Word and persistently apply it in faith with an attitude, “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me” trusting God to back his Word up with signs following. It is God weaving a beautiful tapestry working in the midst of life, bringing about his purpose unto his glory. All praise to the name of Jesus.