Barbara’s sister, Betty, vowed she would not get on an airplane under any circumstances. Betty would not even get on a Ferris wheel! Her husband, Dewayne, started having classic symptoms of a heart attack. Betty and Dewayne live way out in the country, a 40 minute drive into Little Rock. With the 911 call, it was decided he would be air lifted to the hospital. The helicopter landed in the pasture behind their house, and as they loaded Dewayne and made preparations to depart, Betty was invited to go on the helicopter with Dewayne. Betty’s reply was this: “I’ve been by his side for these sixty two years, and I am not going to be apart from him now.” With the assistance of the pilot and the medic, she stepped on one’s bent leg while the other one steadied and helped to lift her right into the co-pilot’s seat. They strapped her in and away they flew. She did fine with the short flight to the hospital. They got them safely to the hospital and Dewayne is doing well. We visited with them a few days after the incident after they went back home, and got the whole story in full detail.
The power of love will enable us to do things that we thought we could not do. We have watched Betty stand by her man in many incidences for many years. She stands before all as a faithful wife and a faithful believer in the Lord, who reflects some of the same love that God has for us all. The Bible says the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. When we yield our lives to the Holy Spirit, to be filled with the Spirit to overflowing, as Betty did at an early age, we have the love of God dwelling in us. While our natural love might fail, God’s love in us will never fail (1 Corinthians 13: 8). It is God’s strength that resides in us by the Spirit of God to enable us to do the will of God and overcome natural fears and inhibitions. The Bible says this love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). This is the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing. This was demonstrated on the day of Pentecost with the first church. They were hidden behind closed doors for fear of those same Jews who had killed Jesus. After they were filled with the Spirit, with no fear, they boldly confronted the Jews and all the gathering people with the good news of the resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through the infilling of the Spirit and the operation of the love of God in supernatural healing power, multitudes of people were reached with the gospel and lives were changed for the better. This is the answer for our world today – our hearts and lives changed by an encounter with Jesus Christ in the power of God’s Spirit of love.