Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Matthew 19:6
With a new chapter of my life opening after the passing of my late wife Becky on January 12, 2015, I sought God for his direction. The caregiver chapter with her lengthy illness was closed. Now, my desire was to get my life back to a focus on ministry. I spoke with the Lord saying: “Lord, if I am to remain single the rest of my days, fine. I know you give grace for that. But Lord, if you know I need a companion, here is my list of what I desire (I made a list of things I desired in a companion), and I am asking, let’s get it on quickly. I don’t want to have to spend a lot of time searching, dating, and all that stuff.” I laid the list and the request out before him and went about the business of making contacts with different pastors and churches in an effort to establish relationships for support of future gospel outreach and mission work.
In this process of making contacts with pastors in the local region, on May 5, 2015, I met Barbara Allred, Pastor of The Lighthouse Church in Benton, AR. I shared my vision with her and we became acquainted. In subsequent meetings God worked through her to free me from some things in my life that I did not need to be carrying, for which I am deeply grateful. Quickly we found much in common. We continued to see each other with a mutual friendship quickly developing into a deep and abiding love and respect for each other. With the revelation of God joining two together as one in marriage, we have determined that we would like to spend the rest of our days on earth walking with Jesus together to fulfill all his assignments for our lives. God favors having a wife, calling it “a good thing” (Proverbs 18:22). The celebration of our union together for this purpose will take place July 18, 2015 at 5 pm at The Lighthouse Church in Benton, AR. That is 75 days after first meeting her. God is a prayer answering God. The good news is that through the cleansing blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, every person has access to God and his plan for one’s life. God will do a quick work, a beautiful work, and one that is abundantly above all we are able to ask or think. He is worthy of all our love, because He loves each one of us and desires good for us all with all his heart.