
In walking around behind the shop, I noticed a generous accumulation of gum balls lying on the ground. I raked the summer’s accumulation up just the other day. It’s the fall of the year already. Another year is sliding by. There will be more raking to be done. I’ve got to rake them up. It is precarious to walk. It feels like you are about to slip and fall. There are different things to do in different seasons. The mulching attachment on the mower helps tremendously with the leaves as they fall. There is grass to deal with in the Spring and Summer. There are these leaves and gumballs in the fall and into the winter. The other day Barb mentioned she would like a “snowman snow” this year. We have occasional snow and extreme freezing conditions to deal with in the winter, and lots of rain-slick roads. Then making full circle back around to Spring it starts all over again. However, each season has its own unique beauty. In Spring we have the flowers and the new and vibrant growth. In the Summer we have the warm out-doors-play-in-the-sun weather. It’s a great time for vacations, beaches, hikes! In the Fall we have the beautiful foliage and pleasant, moderating temperatures. In Winter we have the snow—when we have it. Here in Arkansas, we have a wide variety of seasons to enjoy, or to put up with. It depends on our attitude. Life happens in seasons. Different seasons carry different responsibilities. Some seasons require more work. Some seasons provide a rest and recreation. Some seasons provide an ideal beauty. Regardless of the season we are presently living in, there is a common denominator that will help guide us in every season. We can trust God and give Him praise in the good times, and we can trust God and give Him praise in the bad times. We don’t have to live in fear. We don’t have to worry or be dismayed. God is good and has good things for us all. Trust Him. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” At God’s “righteous right hand” is His Son, Jesus. He is the Christ, the Spirit-anointed Messiah, who paid the price on the cross to save us in every way. He was raised from death to give us the power of His Spirit in everyday life. As we commit all things to Him each day, and as we receive His life and the power of His Spirit into our life each day, He will be with us in every season. With Him the good times are better, and with Him there is peace and strength in the bad times. Get excited about your present season. With Christ working in our life, we are ever changing into His image from glory to glory!


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