By the Authority of the Contract

A friend of mine is the recording secretary for the United Steel Workers Union. He related a conversation he had with another official who was questioning him on why he did certain things as he carried out the responsibilities of his office. He explained to the questioning party that he simply read and studied the contract and did things according to the agreed terms. If there were any questions about why or how things are done, all that had to be done was to go back to the written agreement to see what is already established, and that would settle any questions. The agreements that had already been negotiated and put into writing served as the final authority for the guidelines to follow, the procedures to be taken and the benefits provided.  As my friend shared this with us, we saw that it was a clear illustration of what God has done for us for our benefit. Man messed up. Man can’t get out of the mess he got himself into. Man is headed for eternal separation from the goodness and presence of God. God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have negotiated among themselves. They came to an agreement to defeat sin, self, sickness, death and the devil for the benefit of man.  Jesus agreed to come to earth to be in total identification with man. By His total identification with man, He totally reversed the plight man got himself into. He totally defeated the forces working against man. God, who cannot lie, swore by Himself and put it in a written contract, that this is what he would do. We have that written contract that covers the unveiling of God’s negotiations and provisions and benefits. It is the Holy Bible. If there are questions about what God has provided and the guidelines and procedures that are required to obtain the benefits He has provided, we can read about it right there in the Bible. Plus, He promised to provide His Spirit to be our Helper to assist us in understanding and carrying out the terms of the contract. As we turn from our sin and from our way of doing things, we receive His way of life by faith. The Spirit of Jesus the Spirit-anointed Savior, comes into us. By yielding our life completely to Him, His contract works with supernatural power to help us to live in victory. This is clearly stated and demonstrated in the contract. As we give ourselves to meet the terms and conditions of the contract, we receive the benefits. If we fail to meet the terms and conditions, and we fail to carry out the stipulations and procedures outlined in the contract, then we miss the benefits. We experience less than what has already been provided for us. Jesus has secured abundant life for us in every way.  If we will live our life by the contract, by God’s authority we can live freely now and forever.


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