Fight! Fight! Fight!

I quote from our President, who with fist raised after being grazed by a would-be   assassin’s bullet, shouted: “Fight! Fight! Fight!” We need to fight for our nation with prayer and active involvement. First, we need to fight the fight of faith in prayer and action, that the true and powerful love of God be known in churches and in society as a whole. False concepts of God that shroud who He is and what He wants to accomplish, need to be pulled down. Any religious doctrine or practice that impedes His working in our midst is to be laid aside so God can be the unlimited, powerful God who He is in our lives. We live in a predicted time in which there would be a “form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5). From this we need deliverance. We need the Holy Spirit power found in the Bible operating in our lives today that reveals the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. It’s not religion. It is a life-changing encounter with the Living God that imparts the power of God to us to bring about healing and real, godly change in our lives and in the lives of people around us.  Next, we need to fight with prayer and action for liberty to be maintained. All the social, religious, political, and military ramifications involved in our nation having and maintaining liberty are to be addressed. Open doors (borders) are to be shut, and closed doors of subversive political ideologies that are established and working to undermine our liberty are to be exposed and their power dismantled. Thirdly, we need to fight with prayer and action for our children and young people. The children are the future of our nation. In Moses’ day, there was an attack to kill the children. In the time of Jesus’ birth and the first years of His life, there was an attack to kill the children. Today, there is an attack on the children. Mental and emotional disorders abound, no discipline, drugs, abortion, divided and dysfunctional families, identity crises, perverse instruction and influence in schools and in society as a whole, and on and on it goes. There is an all-out war against the welfare of our children at every level. “Fight, fight, fight!” Fight to walk in the true love of God. Fight to obtain and maintain liberty in the Lord and in our nation. Fight for our precious children to give them the inheritance they are designed for and that they deserve. It all starts with believing prayer. It then unfolds in our hearts as instruction and understanding. Then it graduates to obedience to take action as the Lord leads. As we each walk with the Lord in this way, we will see change in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. And this is what it is all about. Being changed into His likeness and fighting the good fight of faith. That is our solution.


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