Fruit Salad

I like a good fruit salad. I like it with pecans, apples, bananas, blueberries and raspberries. Then you can throw in a little pineapple, orange and mango, but not much. That pineapple and orange is a little acidic for me. My mother used to put shredded coconut and marshmallows in it. Any kind of fruit and berries and nuts will make a good one. Just chop up what needs to be chopped up. The small stuff like nuts and berries don’t need to be cut up. Put a generous amount of whip cream on it, and you are in for a treat. I even dribbled a little caramel macchiato coffee creamer on my latest fruit creation and it was good! Well, that’s how you come up with good new things—do a little experimentation.  That caramel creamer along with the whip cream was pretty good on my taste buds. Of course, I like milk and cream in most any form. When I was a kid growing up on the farm, we had a Jersey cow named Myrtle. She would give a gallon of milk a day and half of that gallon would be cream. That cream would rise to the top of the wide-mouth glass jar by the next morning. To dip some of that fresh cream off the top of the milk and mix some sugar with it and put it on fresh fruit—that’s what got me hooked for life. I would dip it off and take it straight! So, I still like milk and cream to this day. And I like it on my fruit salad. They say what you experience in your first five or six years or so is what you become for life. Must be true, because I sure enjoy my milk and creamy stuff. Good stuff! Now the only down side about eating my fruit salad is that those raspberries, or blackberries if you use blackberries, have little seeds that get stuck in your teeth. They are hard to get out. Rather that wearing your tongue out trying to get those seeds out of your teeth, the other good part of a fruit salad is when you can get hold of some Plackers or dental floss, and you can get to your tooth brush to get those pesky seeds out. It is a relief to get the annoying seeds out of your teeth. A lot of times in the good things in life, we sometimes pick up some pesky seeds that are annoying. They are faults and failures that we are dealing with. They are mis-steps and mistakes. They are harsh words or short attitudes. In the good things of life, whatever it is that is bugging us, it is always good to get it cleaned out. That’s why we have the Savior Jesus Christ given to us. We don’t have to carry the annoying things. We can take it to Him and He will cleanse and bring us into rest and peace.


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