As a caregiver, I have a client named Billy. He is quadriplegic. He has a wonderful positive outlook on life being a believer in the Lord. He was a truck driver. He told me the story yesterday how his brakes failed on a hill while delivering a liquid load around Harrison, Arkansas—a mountainous region. He told how the situation was such that it reached the point that all he could do was say, “Jesus! Take the wheel.” He told how the load rocked from side to side on a two-lane road with a long curve, and there was no emergency truck ramp on that hill. It was a scary situation, but the Lord delivered him through it. He gives all the glory to God. I can freely preach the Word of healing to Billy. That’s good, because faith comes by hearing the Word. I can freely lay hands on Billy and pray according to what Jesus said, “they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18). I guess I have prayed for him every time I have been with him as a fill-in caregiver. After I prayed for him yesterday, he said he was able to do some things with his right hand that he was not able to do. He said it is getting better. My encouragement to him was, “Let’s keep believing the Lord and looking to Him.” One thing for certain, if we don’t believe the Lord, we can be sure we won’t get anything from Him. I was reading in the book of Acts this morning and Peter preached on the day of Pentecost with great power—some believed and some did not. Did they quit preaching because some did not believe? No. The lame man lying at the temple gate was healed and went walking and leaping and praising God through the temple—some believed and some did not. Did they quit ministering healing because some did not believe? No, in fact, later on we see how healing increased because they kept on preaching how Jesus suffered for us. All the people were getting healed (Acts 5:16). That happened after there was some cleansing done in the church from some people who were lying to the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:1-11). Maybe a little cleansing in the church today would be good. That means all of us who are believers. But the Lord would encourage us to keep believing, keep preaching the Word, keep doing what we know to do and trust God to be God in our lives. Maybe our truck has been on a hill out of control because our brakes failed. The prayer is simple, “Jesus! Take the wheel.” If we don’t look to Him, He certainly can’t help us, but if we look to Him and call upon Him, and keep looking to Him and keep trusting Him, we have His promise that He will help us. As we are changed, we become recipients of His blessing.