I just finished reading through the book of Revelation, in the Bible. It was just a read-through. It was not a study. I don’t know why Hollywood has not created a block-buster movie from it. I am sure they could computer-generate a real graphic and dramatic movie. If Mel Gibson ever gets hold of it, he might create a sequel to his movie “The Passion of the Christ.” The writer of the book of Revelation stated the book was “the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:1). Jesus is the truth. So, in the book, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing-but-the-truth is told. Mel might be steering clear of it because of the warning in the last chapter. It says if any man takes away from the words of the prophecy of the book, God will take his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city (Revelation 22:19). It is a pretty serious thing to leave out part of God’s whole body of truth. I know that is not something I’m not interested in doing. I want to tell it all. I know I will be answering to God for what I taught, regardless of man’s approval or disapproval. So, I want to get it right — right in line with the Word. I came out of the read clearly realizing there are two kinds of people we see in the book of the truth revealed — righteous and unrighteous. There are those who are righteous because they repent in the face of sin, and they are washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. There are those who are living an unrighteous life because they refuse to repent. They are carrying their sin. Their end is not good. I say it would make a good movie because in the book, the good guys win. Even those saints who are tortured and killed win. They die in the grace and the faith of the King having their life as a testimony of Jesus. From death, they are resurrected to rule and reign with Him forever. In the book, sinners perish forever in hell, and the good guys who follow Jesus live with Him in heaven forever. There are lots of beasts and monsters and deceit and killing and sexual perversion and witchcraft and gore as is in any “good” movie these days. In the Bible, it is not a computer-generated fantasy. It is the truth of Jesus Christ being revealed in the earth. His righteousness is revealed right in the midst of all the social, religious, and political corruption. I know one thing for sure. I don’t want to be caught dead in sin. The blood of Jesus is the only thing that makes me right with God. I will take the blood, and the blood alone. As all hell plays out in the world around me, I will make sure I am right with Him and shining the way He wants me to shine.