I was driving down the road the other day and something sparked the memory of some Volkswagen pranks of the seventies. Being duly entertained by such memories, I was driving down the road laughing out loud, thoroughly enjoying the mental show. I remembered the time a bunch of us guys got together just outside of good old Poyen High right before the final bell of the day. We knew the daily routine of the teacher. We all gathered around and lifted the little bug from the parking lot, over the sidewalk, and into the flower bed. Then we all nonchalantly stood by and waited. Sure enough, out he came right on time. Too bad those were the days before cell phones and social media. We could have gone viral with the posting. Not quite so dramatic, but equally entertaining was the time we put large rocks behind the back wheels. Coming out of the building and getting right into the car was such the teacher’s path, that whatever was placed in behind the back tire would not be noticed. Business as usual – from the building, into the car, start, reverse, and BUMP! He came bailing out of that car with perhaps an alarmed string of expletives to find out what he had run over. I really don’t know about the expletives. I was out of ear-shot. Then another time we blocked under the back axel just high enough for the wheels to clear the ground. It was not obvious. There was no suspicion as one would approach and enter the car. But then, when he cranked it up and put it in reverse to back up, all he got was a loud and long whirrrrrrrrrr – the back wheels racing in reverse with no traction with the ground. Ahh! The good times we had! How does the saying go? If we did not love them, we would not have a good time with them. I don’t know if that is true or not. But we had some good laughs, and nobody was harmed. It is good to laugh. The Bible says a merry heart does good like a medicine, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken and it dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22; Proverbs 15:13). It says the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). When the disciples were filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, they were so happy and care-free, the people thought they were drunk (Acts 2:13-21). Really, for what Jesus has done for us, we really ought to be happy, don’t you think? Well, I know a real God encounter with the power of the Holy Ghost can make you cry, and it can make you laugh. The crying part is to get rid of sin, and once rid of that, with the proper yielding to God, we can get filled with joy deep within and overflowing. The Spirit upon us is the joy of the Lord our strength.