This Is The Way; Walk Ye In It

A lady visiting our church gave a powerful testimony of how God was working in the lives of family members and others through prayer. Well, I believe proper praying changes things for the good, so when she offered to pray for people individually, I was the first in line. You know, the angel and Jesus himself told Mary and some other women to go tell the men that he was risen from the dead. They were the first ones who gave testimony of the risen Lord, and the men did not believe them. When the Lord appeared to those men, they were sharply reproved by the Lord for their unbelief and hardness of heart (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20). If you are one who has a problem with women ministries, you would have been in that group who were sharply reproved. Myself, I don’t want to be reproved by the Lord in such a way. I look at a minister first for where their heart is, then if they speak the full truth of the Word. I don’t look at gender, color, appearance, or other criterion (Galations 3:28; Acts 2:17, 18). Anyway, when she prayed for me, she referred me to a scripture from the Word of God for me to trust in and apply to my life. It is Isaiah 30:15: “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” I know the Lord will only lead me into good things. He gave his life blood to bring me out of the power of sin, death, flesh, and the devil. When I ask for the fullness of and leadership of his Spirit in my life, I know he will give me that as I follow him in every way believing his Word. He is not going to give me something bad. I can trust him with all my heart and life. And if I am following and being led by his Spirit, I have the best there is to offer this side of heaven. I have God’s will and design operating in my life. What could be better than that? Do you want the flesh’s will and design and the sickness and death that brings? Do you want the devil’s will and design for your life and the hell that brings? No! You want the good life God gives! So I have one “resolution” for this coming year, 2022. My “goals and plans” consist of one thing. “Lord, unite my heart to fear your name. Help me follow the leadership of your Spirit in every aspect of my life, looking to you to help my unbelief, so that I believe the testimony you give me, unto abundant life every day” (Psalms 86:11). That will cover it all – spiritually, physically, financially, in family, and in every other way, because he cares for me.


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