Barbara keeps a collection of DVD movies for the grand kids. One of the year-round favorites is the animated movie entitled “The Star.” It tells the story of how a little donkey named “Bo” became the vehicle to carry the pregnant Mary to Bethlehem to have baby Jesus. I was sitting in the living room reading the other day while the movie was playing, and a statement in the movie caught my attention. “Look kid, we’re mill donkeys, we grind grain, we don’t carry kings.” This is what the older mill donkey said to Bo as they slowly walked in a monotonous circle. They were one behind the other attached to the turnstile going around and around grinding grain. Bo had peeked out of the barn through a knot hole and had gotten a glimpse of a star indicating something special. His bird friend, Dave told him of the king’s carriage passing nearby. By seeing this, Bo had high hopes that one day he would have the great privilege of pulling the king’s carriage. When he shared his dreams with his nay-sayer donkey companion, his aspirations were quickly and matter-of-factly squelched. Bo received no encouragement to fulfill his dream, and in time he lost all hope. However, what Bo had seen was planted deep within his heart. As circumstances would have it, Bo ended up a free donkey in a whole new world. Through much adversity things worked out so that which was in his heart began to unfold in his life. Bo chose to carry pregnant Mary rather than the caravan. He did not know until later that he was carrying Jesus, the King of Kings, to the place in which He would be born into this world. Some people have received a glimpse of more to be experienced in Christ. They have seen it through the portal of the Word of God. It is not presently happening. However, when the seed of the Word of God in our hearts is watered and given time, things in us and in our circumstances start changing. God works with His Word and Spirit to bring about that which He has for us. When doors open, and we see new opportunities for new experiences in the Lord, even in adversity, we are to prayerfully proceed forward. God has ordained that we carry Jesus, the King of Kings into this world for all to see, know and be blessed. He is the Christ, the Spirit-anointed Messiah-Deliverer for the salvation of all people in every way. As we live in Him, in His Spirit and in His anointing, we are the lowly “donkeys” who have the privilege of carrying the royalty of Jesus into the lives of those around us. This is God’s design for every believer. Allow God to work in your life that which He has placed in your heart. There is no greater honor and joy than to live in and share the presence of King Jesus with the whole world.