When All Else Fails Read The Directions

When all else fails, read the directions. Have you ever heard that? We all have a tendency to get into life and do things our way and mess things up, then we finally have to back up and read the directions to get it all put together correctly. It is much simpler and better, with good directions in hand, to just go right by the book step-by-step and get it right the first time. God has a basic way for us to live this life successfully with his full blessing upon us. First, he wants us connected to him in spirit, in our inner man. Then he wants us empowered and led by his Spirit in daily life. He wants us to abide in his presence each day so we can receive his instruction and guidance to navigate through the ever twisting hoops of life. We get connected up with God by being “born again” (John 3:3). God is holy, we are unholy. We can’t be connected with him the way we are. When you realize and earnestly desire the need to be connected with God, you come to him just as you are and understand that Jesus Christ died for you, paying the penalty for all your sins, errors, and all. He made the connection for you to be one with God. With that understanding, you call upon him asking him to cleanse you and receive you as his son/daughter. It is by the righteousness and work of Jesus Christ that we have mercy with God, sins forgiven, and we become one with him. We live in a spiritual world, and we need the power of God’s Spirit in and upon our lives to combat life’s challenges and carry out God’s will and plan for our lives. When Jesus went back to heaven, he promised to send this power to believers. Today, as we receive cleansing from Jesus and are connected to God, we are empowered by receiving the gift of his Holy Spirit. Jesus taught us to ask for the Holy Spirit just as a child asks a parent for food to eat (Luke 11:9-13). As we lay our life before God for him to do with us whatever he desires, and we earnestly ask him to fill us with his Spirit and power, he will do that for us. With the infilling of the Holy Spirit we receive specific operations of that Spirit to help us in daily life. The first thing we receive is a supernatural prayer language. That is our “walkie-talkie” from God to effectively communicate with “headquarters” when we don’t know how to pray, which is most of the time. There are other operations to assist us, and as we walk with God each day we learn and experience more and more of his goodness, power, and direction for us in life. These are some of the basic directions he has given. Read and follow the directions God has given and start living free.


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