Lemonade From Lemons

We went to the nursery to shop for some plants to give to a birthday recipient. We did find some plants for that, but we also came away with some beautiful red Encore azaleas for our place. We have a section of the yard in which we would like to add some color, and these plants, placed right next to a wooded part of our back yard, will fill the bill perfectly. Once home I got the shovel to start the planting. What I did not plan on, as I began to plant the bushes, was the fact the ground in that area is full of roots and small stumps from last year’s ground clearing. With so many stumps and roots in the ground, it is very difficult to just to get them into the ground, let alone to get them spaced evenly. So here we had the azaleas and were stumped, not knowing where else to put them. As I studied the situation, I remembered we had a stack of cross ties from the old home place stacked in the trees off one side of the yard. It occurred to me that if you can’t dig down, then, go up. With the ties I could build a raised bed. Not only would that get the bushes into the ground, but it would also put the cross ties to a good use. So, Barb and I wrestled those long, large, heavy chunks of wood onto the utility trailer behind the riding lawn mower, and carted them across the yard and set them in place for a border for the new bush bed. Now, we have a rustic bed next to the woods in the back to be filled with good dirt and beautiful blooming bushes, adding a balance of color to that side of the yard.

When David confronted Goliath, he did not talk about how big the giant was that stood before him or his ability to fight and inflict harm. Rather, he talked about the bigness of God, and his ability to work with him to gain the victory. David declared what he would do in God’s strength, and he did just that. He took the head off the giant gaining a great victory for the people of God (1 Samuel 17). We all come up against obstacles from world-wide pandemic giants to a minor matter of root-filled soil. God promised that he would be with us in trials to show us the way of escape, the way to overcome the adversity we face. By allowing Jesus to be Lord over all in our lives, we can be attuned to his desires and directions that will lead us in a victorious way of wisdom every time (Proverbs 3:5, 6). When things are sour, that is the time more than ever to mix in God’s sweetness and wisdom and focus on his word, his power, and his ability to get us through it all with victory.


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