Make It Count With God

I am writing this article on Election Day, November 3, 2020. I just heard an account on the radio about a mother and her toddler early this morning in another state standing in a long line in 30 degree weather to vote. Finally, with this record voter turnout, after being there for about 45 minutes, the toddler was crying constantly. A stranger, just about to enter the building, aware of what was going on in the back of the line, checked with other line-standers behind him and made his way back to the mother. With the consent of the other line-standers, the mother was allowed to “break line” and get into the building to vote.

These are the values, and the people, that make America great. These are the freedoms and rights that brave men and women gave their lives to establish and protect. This is the basic decency, kindness, and consideration that maintains a strong society and nation. God is having his way in this election today. A vote is a signed contract that places a person in agreement with the policies, practices, and provisions of a governing administration. It also places you in agreement with the rewards or punishments reaped. It is a seed sown in the field of life that produces a harvest that is for the good of all or for the detriment of all. We will give an account for the seeds sown. Any time we stray from Biblical directions and values, we are sowing bad seed. We just need to read the Bible to see what happens.

The great red wave for America is not that of a political party. The great red wave for America is a tsunami of the cleansing blood of Jesus to wash our sins away for how we have strayed from the Bible way of doing things and from following the ways of Jesus Christ. Education is vital to all, but education alone is not the answer. There are highly educated people who are leading opponents to the God way of life. To get back to the founding principles of our country, we are to mix good education with godly consecration to what God has shown us in his word as our guide to life. We have been seeing what happens when God is taken out of society. Now, it is up to each of us to cast our vote with Jesus Christ, to personally consecrate ourselves to him in a fresh and new way, and ask him to indeed be the Lord of our lives. This is the great red wave of the cleansing blood of Jesus that will enliven our spirits and renew our minds to the counsel of God for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren and for generations to come. Because of what Jesus did for us, we have an opportunity to “break line” and get ahead with God. Let us not miss this golden opportunity to make it count with God.


What Is Your Windmill?

About forty years ago my Mom and Dad collected white, crystalline rocks and Dad built an ornamental windmill on the home place. It measured about five and a half feet across at the base and about nine feet tall. When we moved to Benton, it became a desire of ours to move the windmill to our new place in Benton. People said it could not be done, that it would fall apart. But, we did get it moved without it coming apart because my Dad built things well. Since the lattice blades had finally been broken off or had just been removed, it became my task to build new blades. I had three pieces of the blades about eight inches long from the hub of the sealed bearing shaft that showed me the angle my Dad had built the original blades, plus, I found some pictures stored in our computers that had the windmill in them. By studying these pieces and the pictures, I was able to duplicate what my Father had done. Now, the next step is to restore the little wooden split rail fence around the edge of the concrete deck that encircles the rock tower, then replace the little wooden door and window, and the stairs that goes from the deck to the ground. It will all be built from Arkansas Red Cedar and varnished with clear exterior varnish, to match the hand-crafted lattice blades. My wife and I installed the varnished blades today, at this writing, and the rest is yet to come. Today, after careful balancing of the lattice blades, the gift of a light steady breeze put the blades into a gentle, quiet, rotation adding life to the unique heirloom yard ornament. We can enjoy that piece every day as we look out across our yard.

Good things come to us in life as we desire them, plan for them, work hard to get them, and by sometimes attempting what others say cannot be done. Then, to put the finishing touches on things, we must study diligently what the Father does and do just what he did. That is what Jesus did and his life is still blessing millions today. Like Jesus, if we will give ourselves to just do what the Father is doing, then we, too, will know the fruit of life that comes only from Father God. Jesus made the way for us to do this, but if we just let the windmill sit there and don’t go for it, we miss the daily blessing that could be ours. If you have a desire in your life that is good and righteous, whatever your windmill is, take the proper steps and go for it. Get it, enjoy it, and give praise to God for it. In everything his name is to be exalted and glorified, and as you enjoy life as it comes from following Him, so can your neighbors enjoy it as they drive by and observe.


Unlimited Fruitfulness

God’s heart is to save the world. He gave revelation and promise to Abraham that his seed would be unlimited, that there would be unlimited fruitfulness of his seed. God told Abraham his seed would multiply and be as the “stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the sea shore” so that “all the nations of the earth” would be blessed (Genesis 22:15-18). Jesus came along and carried out all God’s plan so that all those who are in Christ are of the seed of Abraham. Every believer is in the promise made to Abraham of unlimited fruitfulness. Remember, God’s heart is to save the whole world. This promise not only makes God’s working and power available to every household, but it extends to every person who God calls on the face of the earth, “every creature” (Mark 16:15; Acts 2:38,39). Paul had abundance of revelation so that he understood God’s promise to Abraham. After his encounter with the Lord, with the zeal that he had in persecuting Christians, he now had that same white hot zeal in getting the gospel out to the whole world so all could be saved. Because he had this “abundance of…revelations”, satan sent a “thorn in the flesh” to try to stop Paul (2 Corinthians 12:1-10). As Paul sought the mind of the Lord in the matter three times, he received from the Lord a revelation of grace that gave him understanding and enablement to defeat the enemy in every adversity and opposition. This revelation propelled him to the very end of his life, enabling him to finish his course with joy making him fruitful throughout his life, and, he is still winning souls world-wide today through his writings. His ministry will continue until Jesus comes, fulfilling the promise God made to Abraham of unlimited fruitfulness, as the sand of the sea and the stars of the sky.

This promise made to Abraham is for every believer in Jesus to have unlimited, compounding fruitfulness through the life of Christ that lives in us. Every believer has this same all sufficient grace available to exercise and grow in so that we overcome all things, enabling us to finish our course with joy with eternal treasures laid up in heaven to the glory of God. Remember, it is God’s purpose to save every person in the world. By us being born of his Spirit through faith in the perfect, finished work of Jesus, and by walking in the fullness of that Spirit, the influence of his life living through us will produce ever-increasing fruit through all eternity, all to the glory of God. This is his plan, his purpose, and his promise. Jesus came and put it in place in the earth, and the Holy Spirit is here to work through every believer to carry that plan out to completion. In this will of God for our lives, is true peace, joy, and eternal life in abundance.


Sometimes Things Are Not As They Seem

When I was in college, I considered proper appearance for myself to be “ivy league.” For me, that meant every hair in place, black rim glasses, pen holder in shirt pocket with a notepad, casual slacks of different conservative colors with coordinated colors of sport jackets, and of course shirts with the button down collar. It seemed to me the final touch of intelligent sophistication for such a “cool” dude would be to smoke a pipe with a good, sweet smelling tobacco. So, I got me a pipe and proceeded to try different kinds of pipe tobacco to find the one that smelled the best, for I did enjoy smelling a good pipe. Well, the first thing I discovered was that when you smoke a pipe, no matter how good a fragrance it produces, you can’t smell it, at least, I could not. So, that’s the first thing that proved to be counter-productive in the new adventure, but I figured, that’s ok, there are other benefits other than smelling it, although I was quite disappointed in not being able to smell it. I settled on a certain type tobacco, and proceeded to “perfect my style.” My next discovery was that no matter how careful you are, invariably you are going to inadvertently bump that pipe so the red hot ashes come flying out. It did not take long before I had burned a hole in every fine pair of polyester slacks that I had, along with those handsome polyester sport jackets. I tried to figure out a way to fix them, but no matter what you did, there was an obvious flaw in the garments of Mr. Perfect. I was certainly not made of money to keep buying clothes in college, so in due time I had to abandon the idea of developing the cool, calm, image with the smoking of a pipe.

Sometimes in life, things are just not what they seem to be, and our best recourse is to just abandon that particular pursuit. It is easy to invest a lot of intellectual pursuit and proper sounding religious verbage to make ourselves feel like we are really playing the part in a good way. And, we can be quite happy in what we are doing until we begin to realize that God has called us to a supernatural walk with him that goes beyond what we think. His plan and purpose is for us to actually follow Jesus Christ in the way he did things through his communion with his heavenly Father and the power of the Holy Spirit. When we realize that we have just been religiously burning holes in our pants, and shirts, and jackets, then we can stop the show and really get rid of those things in our lives that is causing harm, and start new with the wardrobe of God. There is one true “image” that is needful, and that is walking with God in faith, love, and holiness, obeying him each day.


Standing on a Beautiful Floor

We discovered that we had hardwood floors under the carpet of the residence we purchased three years ago. I decided to rip the carpet out of the office and rent the drum sander and refinish it, and now in the office we have a beautiful natural finished white oak floor. We plan to do it room by room over a period of time until all the hardwood floors are exposed and refinished. Then, we can enjoy the beauty, the cleanness, and the versatility of decorating with the new floors.

Our nation was founded on beautiful, solid, Christian principles. Because of God’s blessing upon this nation, she rose to being the leader of the world. That foundation, that floor, has been carpeted over and now the carpet is old and dirty, beyond what can be cleaned. It is time to take that carpet out and get back to what really provided the support to make this nation great. The first step to do that is for believers to pray. Just yesterday a man said to me, “I am not worthy.” I asked him, “Do you believe on Jesus or are you believing on yourself?” He said, “On Jesus.” I said, “OK, what Jesus did for you made you worthy before God, because it is the worthiness of Jesus that is put to your account.” If we are believing on Jesus, we must understand that by his goodness and his righteousness we can come boldly to God and make our requests known. This kind of boldness is the true humility of reverencing the person and work of Jesus Christ instead of exalting our unworthiness. By looking unto Jesus, holding to his righteousness, we can pray over this nation that the hidden things of darkness be exposed in all our lives on every level of society and seen so that we can all turn from sin and get our lives lined up with God (1 Corinthians 4:5). We can pray that the counsel of the ungodly be dismantled and the counsel and ways of God be established for generations to come (Psalms 33:10-12). As we pray this way, based on the Word and the known will of God, relying on the worthiness of Jesus in our stead before God, and as we include ourselves in these prayers, God hears these prayers and moves on our behalf. As we pray this way, buckle up, we are in for a ride. There will be exposure on every level, starting with our own heart and life and extending to the highest levels of society.

We have big problems, but we have a bigger God, and faith in God through Jesus Christ will move mountains. We are living on a beautiful floor in this nation. Let’s pray in Jesus’ name and see God move in all our lives in a great way and rip out the corrupted coverings so the beauty of the foundation of what we are standing on can be clearly seen by all.


Beautiful Floors

As an ex-cabinet builder/woodworker, I have an appreciation for and enjoy natural wood colors and grains, especially walnut and oak. I like the highlights of natural black walnut and I like the variety of grains and colors found in natural oak flooring. Just yesterday from this writing, my wife and I discovered the floors under the carpeted portions of the residence we purchased three years ago are white oak flooring. Having just recently helped my daughter refinish an oak floor room in her residence, that turned out absolutely beautiful, I was excited to know what we could do with these floors. Bottom line, if we want to pay the price we can move all the furniture and stuff and do it ourselves. Or, we can pay for a professional to come in and them do it all while we are somewhat displaced for a spell (it is several days process). The benefits are that we can get rid of this old dirty carpet and have beautiful hardwood floors that we can enjoy every day. The carpet will continue to get old and dirty (even if cleaned every day). The question is: Are we willing to pay the price for the benefits available?

The Word says God loads us with benefits daily (Psalms 68:19; 103:2; 116:12). By what Jesus Christ did for us, many benefits are available to us to enjoy. What is the price we must pay to have and enjoy them? One benefit is of forgiveness of sin. Our sins don’t just go away with time. We must take ownership of what we have done before God and bring them to him, turning from them, and releasing and exchanging them for the cleansing blood that Jesus shed for us in payment of those sins. There is the benefit of living in the supernatural power of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When we take ownership of our need of his power and ask in faith and yield our lives to him, he fills us with his power. For parents, there is the promise of raising children in a godly way (several guiding verses in Proverbs). When we do what the Word says concerning training and disciplining and living a good example before them, they become responsible adults (you don’t find any “time out” in the Word). There is a price we must pay to receive all God’s provisions in these areas and in many other areas, but if we do our part, we get to enjoy the benefits all the days of our lives. The spiritual “floor” we are walking on in our lives is in direct correspondence to our faith in and obedience to the Word of God. If “pay the price” of believing it, speaking it, and acting on it in a consistent manner, as a lifestyle, then we receive the benefits to enjoy. Bottom line: Are we willing to pay the price for the benefits available?


Beautiful floors

As an ex-cabinet builder/woodworker, I have an appreciation for and enjoy natural wood colors and grains, especially walnut and oak. I like the highlights of natural black walnut and I like the variety of grains and colors found in natural oak flooring. Just yesterday from this writing, my wife and I discovered the floors under the carpeted portions of the residence we purchased three years ago are white oak flooring. Having just recently helped my daughter refinish an oak floor room in her residence, that turned out absolutely beautiful, I was excited to know what we could do with these floors. Bottom line, if we want to pay the price we can move all the furniture and stuff and do it ourselves. Or, we can pay for a professional to come in and them do it all while we are somewhat displaced for a spell (it is several days process). The benefits are that we can get rid of this old dirty carpet and have beautiful hardwood floors that we can enjoy every day. The carpet will continue to get old and dirty (even if cleaned every day). The question is: Are we willing to pay the price for the benefits available? The Word says God loads us with benefits daily (Psalms 68:19; 103:2; 116:12). By what Jesus Christ did for us, many benefits are available to us to enjoy. What is the price we must pay to have and enjoy them? One benefit is of forgiveness of sin. Our sins don’t just go away with time. We must take ownership of what we have done before God and bring them to him, turning from them, and releasing and exchanging them for the cleansing blood that Jesus shed for us in payment of those sins. There is the benefit of living in the supernatural power of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When we take ownership of our need of his power and ask in faith and yield our lives to him, he fills us with his power. For parents, there is the promise of raising children in a godly way (several guiding verses in Proverbs). When we do what the Word says concerning training and disciplining and living a good example before them, they become responsible adults (you don’t find any “time out” in the Word). There is a price we must pay to receive all God’s provisions in these areas and in many other areas, but if we do our part, we get to enjoy the benefits all the days of our lives. The spiritual “floor” we are walking on in our lives is in direct correspondence to our faith in and obedience to the Word of God. If “pay the price” of believing it, speaking it, and acting on it in a consistent manner, as a lifestyle, then we receive the benefits to enjoy. Bottom line: Are we willing to pay the price for the benefits available?

Beautiful Floors

As an ex-cabinet builder/woodworker, I have an appreciation for and enjoy natural wood colors and grains, especially walnut and oak. I like the highlights of natural black walnut and I like the variety of grains and colors found in natural oak flooring. Just yesterday from this writing, my wife and I discovered the floors under the carpeted portions of the residence we purchased three years ago are white oak flooring. Having just recently helped my daughter refinish an oak floor room in her residence, that turned out absolutely beautiful, I was excited to know what we could do with these floors. Bottom line, if we want to pay the price we can move all the furniture and stuff and do it ourselves. Or, we can pay for a professional to come in and them do it all while we are somewhat displaced for a spell (it is several days process). The benefits are that we can get rid of this old dirty carpet and have beautiful hardwood floors that we can enjoy every day. The carpet will continue to get old and dirty (even if cleaned every day). The question is: Are we willing to pay the price for the benefits available? The Word says God loads us with benefits daily (Psalms 68:19; 103:2; 116:12). By what Jesus Christ did for us, many benefits are available to us to enjoy. What is the price we must pay to have and enjoy them? One benefit is of forgiveness of sin. Our sins don’t just go away with time. We must take ownership of what we have done before God and bring them to him, turning from them, and releasing and exchanging them for the cleansing blood that Jesus shed for us in payment of those sins. There is the benefit of living in the supernatural power of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When we take ownership of our need of his power and ask in faith and yield our lives to him, he fills us with his power. For parents, there is the promise of raising children in a godly way (several guiding verses in Proverbs). When we do what the Word says concerning training and disciplining and living a good example before them, they become responsible adults (you don’t find any “time out” in the Word). There is a price we must pay to receive all God’s provisions in these areas and in many other areas, but if we do our part, we get to enjoy the benefits all the days of our lives. The spiritual “floor” we are walking on in our lives is in direct correspondence to our faith in and obedience to the Word of God. If “pay the price” of believing it, speaking it, and acting on it in a consistent manner, as a lifestyle, then we receive the benefits to enjoy. Bottom line: Are we willing to pay the price for the benefits available?

Entitlement Mentality

Growing up as a kid, we developed an “entitlement mentality”. If we did not do what we were told, we were entitled to get a hard, hurting, spanking. We were told in no uncertain terms what for, but it was born of love and care. When we would work hard all afternoon hauling hay for up to a nickel a bale (most was 2 or 3 cents), then we were entitled to be paid, plus, we would get to take a dip in the Saline River when we were through, birthday suit style, and cool off. We were egg farmers. When we, as kids, did our daily chores, gathering eggs, feeding chickens, tending to whatever and all that needed tending to, we were entitled to sit down at the table with the family and eat whatever Momma fixed. If you did not like what she fixed, there was no whining and complaining. That would bring dire consequences. Much of what we ate was what we grew in the garden. When I say “what we grew in the garden”, again that was a shared, disciplined, responsibility among us all, working together to make it happen. In all of this, for this to work, there was a basic fear of God (respect for God) and a fear (respect) of parents, for we knew there were those “dire consequences” for not doing what we were told on both counts. I am approaching a full 70 years old this month. I look back and see how first the fear (respect) of God has been diminished from our society. I see how respect of parents and working together as a family unit has been diminished for many reasons.

Without going into a tirade of the “why’s”, bottom line, families have been under attack for many years. Statistics show the majority of us have felt the pain of that attack with many of us at fault in some degree. Now, this generation, from the top professional paid politicians on down, are operating on a much different “entitlement mentality”. It is not based on a reverence for God or for hard work or the sanctity of life and a family living and working together for common good. The first step for us all to take, no matter what “side” we are on, is to pray for the counsel of unrighteous ways, even if in ourselves, be brought to nought, and the counsel of the Lord to shine forth and stand. We need to pray the wicked, deviant, devices and ways in our society be foiled and rendered powerless, and the ways of God to be set in place and established. Let us do this for our generations and our nation. The problem that has developed is much bigger than what man can solve. But with God, all things are possible. We need his counsel and guidance that is available, if we will take it. This praying is based on Job 5:12, Psalms 33:10-12, and 2 Chronicles 7:14.


Don’t Cut Up the Card!

I frequently get plastic credit/debit cards in the mail as a solicitation for me to do business with one financial institution or another. I already have all the plastic cards I need, so I promptly take the scissors to them to safely discard them. I did not know that a disbursement of some government funds that I had coming to me was going to come to me in the form of a US Bank debit card. So as I went through my mail one day and was having a conversation with my wife about whatever, I casually opened an envelope, found the card in what I assumed was a solicitation for doing business with that company, and took the scissors to it. I never gave it a second thought – until, time rocked on and I did not receive the expected government payment. I started inquiring. In the inquiry I found out that they send the money out in the form of a US Bank debit card. Oh! My mind went back to that day, and that conversation, and that casual cutting up the card that I assumed was a mere solicitation. Thankfully, I was able to have another card sent to me in order to get the funds that are available to me. That money would have been missed because of my lack of knowledge, assumption of it just being a solicitation, and my inattention.

We can miss what God has for us 1. By not knowing it is for us today, 2. By assuming what we are seeing is something we do not want because we have observed things we did not want before, and 3. By just being apathetic and not paying attention to pursue all the things that God has for us. In the things of God, Peter tells us that there will be false prophets and teachers that people will observe, and by reason of their ways and their lifestyle the way of truth shall be evil spoken of (2 Peter 2:1,2). Just because there are bad preachers does not mean all preachers are bad. Our guide and final judge is the Word of God. If it is in the Word, we are to follow that regardless of what others are doing or not doing. 1. Know that forgiveness and the fullness of the power of God is for us today. 2. Desire and pursue the character and power of God for your life personally. 3. Be diligent to not be sidetracked from what God has for you because of others, and fully embrace the promises of God and act on them with full assurance of God’s faithfulness to you. Refuse to live in fear in any way. Know that God sends you his card of goodness and power that you can receive and benefit from. He loves you and cares for you, and as a good Father through the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, offers you his life and blessings (Luke 11:9-13). Don’t chop it up with your scissors of fear and human reasoning.
